Compassion is a super power and each and every one of us has it... When we use it, a simple act or a simple gesture can transform rapidly into a monumental effort with profound meaning. This spreads quickly and reinforces itself, creating a viral effect that can have an incredibly positive impact on society. With this amazing super power, we can change the world. This is something we feel passionate about and it is at the heart of what we do and our mission to create #ChangeThroughCompassion. What started in 2015 with a small group of friends wanting to do something good in their community has quickly grown into something much more. In just one year, Coupla Guys and Gals Give Back has grown from 16 events and 1,200 volunteers in Los Angeles to 65 events and more than 3,200 volunteers in three states. We provided hands-on assistance to those in need, raised awareness about issues and inspired a growing number of our volunteers to join our cause: spreading compassion by supporting good causes that benefit People, Animals and the Environment. With the help of our dedicated volunteers and partners, 2016 was a significant year for C3GB. We can’t wait to see what is still to come.
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